Martie Pro


Martie Pro


rom the heart of the Blue Ridge Mountains, by way of Toronto, comes Martie’s handwriting. Martie Byrd is a school teacher in Roanoke, Virginia, and a friend of ours. After years of admiring the cheer and clarity of Martie’s handwriting, we asked her to write out full alphabets for some cool font treatment. The intent was to do three different versions of her writing in two different pens, then use the auto-magic of OpenType to determine letter sequences and rotate character sets on the fly when the fonts are in use. A successful endeavour it was.

Unlike other available felt tip and ballpoint handwriting fonts, the regular and bold variations are style-based, not weight-based. They are the handwritten expressions of two different Sharpie pens: The fine point one (Martie Bold), and the ultrafine one (Martie Regular). The style-based variation considerably helps the realism needed in design pieces that take advantage of the contrast of two different handwriting fonts. Weight thickening in handwriting is an obvious mechanical effect that only happens with computers. Weight changing by replacing pens is what happens in the real world.

Martie Pro and Martie Pro Bold each contain three different character sets in a single font, so over 750 characters. The automatically-enabled contextual alternates feature contains some pseudo-randomizing code. This all makes for a couple of true handwriting fonts with seldom-found versatility in this genre.

So next time a design project needs a handwriting font, do the write thing and use Martie Pro to keep it real.

Type some text here...

From $25 USD